
At 17, it seems like my entire life revolves around me. It's nice to know that I have my priorities straightened out. Oh, yeah, and there's two parents and two siblings in there too.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Internet: the Good, the Funny, and the Ugly

/enter rant

Over the years, much of my time has been spent surfing the web. Over these years, I have begun to wonder if perhaps the once noble internet (one of many tools seperating mankind from monkeys) has in fact not evolved into just one more tool of the ultimate enemy of all that is good, the idiot.

Before going further, I think it may be important to examine the three forms of internet use. To begin with, there's:

The Good

It's often astounding how many resources and uses you can find on the internet these days, if you dig through all the trash that is. From the people created (on which you can find nearly anything you could hope to find in great detail thanks to being made from enthusiastic people across the world) to a connection of shopping choices (Ebay or Amazon key among them) that propel buisness and accumulation of stuff into the 21st century (that is what century we're in, right?), it really does show a great shining core of use. On the other hand, it can take a plunge.

Moving on, we have the next section, the "I can live without it, but it sure is great" section:

The Funny (Watch out, it bytes) (This section also has almost no point and is handled by machinery that may handles peanuts. Keep away if allergic.)

On one of my intellectual thought tours (it's something I do, being one of the intellectual elite, as far as I know/care) I once wondered how long it took before the internet was gifted with the likes of this:

Those hamsters sure do add to the atmosphere of the internet, right? Also, they're nearly a staple of the internet (and speaking of staple, check out: ) but give only a few sections diversion. And now, with almost no plot resolution, we move on to: (Unless you are one with a heart condition or with small children in which case I ask that you remain here and watch the hamsters/play with the stapler again)

The Bad (Watch out, not only does it byte, but can also turn you into a vampire. It's true.)

It's hard to imagine a world where everyone was as intelligent as I. In this world, no one would get on an internet forum and argue for days on end about something that in the long run doesn't matter. For example:

In the last two days it was announced that the expansion for Blizzard Entertainment's MMORPG "World of Warcraft" would break a pre-created rule and allow the two factions to have characters that until this point had only been available to one faction or the other, because it had become apparent that the Alliance (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes) had an advantage based on fighting creatures in the environment in the form of their paladins whereas the Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, and Undead) had an advatage while fighting other players because of their Shamans, and about four days ago this was all you could read about on the forums. However, when two days ago Blizzard announced that they would be allow the cross-over in the expansion pack, suddenly every topic was someone expressing their own opinion about why this was unfair. First the Alliance players complained that they would no longer be special (not a problem as far as I'm concerned, Alliance outnumbers Horde 2-1 so it's really the Horde that is always the more special anyway) and then they complained that the changes to the story line that tells how the Horde aquired the Paladins didn't work with the past history of the game. They are however forgetting that Blizzard writes the story line and can do whatever they like with it (Besides in most cases no one but real nerds [like me] have ever bothered to figure out just what is up with the storyline anyway). Frankly, the idiotness of the situation would be much more managable if a) there was only one topic in which the people could place there thoughts and b) people didn't complain for the sake of complaining.

Lastly, it would be nice if the people who claim that they'll quit playing over this would just go ahead and leave already.

/leave rant

The Hive Mind tells you to return to your daily lives as if nothing has happened.

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