
At 17, it seems like my entire life revolves around me. It's nice to know that I have my priorities straightened out. Oh, yeah, and there's two parents and two siblings in there too.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Return of the Familial Strangeness

Disclaimer: I'm working under the assumption that everyone reading this has at least seen Star Wars (the original three, the prequals aren't important right now).

There's a grating in our church leading to some type of air duct. Or something. Anyway, it looks like the grating leading to the Rancor's pit in Return of the Jedi.

For reference:
The Rancor Pit:

The Rancor:

So we've called it the Rancor Pit everytime we walk over it in church. I'm not sure when we started calling it that, probably it was my brother and I who came up with the name, but you never know.

And thus today I was very insulted when Mom called it a bantha pit.

For Reference:
A Bantha:

They don't look like each other. They don't smell like each other. And lastly, any bantha wouldn't be happy in a pit. They like the dunes.

Now, for handy future reference, because Mom's scrapbooking habits have taught me that a picture is worth 1,000 words:


Space Slug:

Ysalamiri (Sadly, never shown in the movies):

Krayt Dragon (Sadly, never shown in the movies):

Now you can go wow your friends with your knowledge of Star Wars creatures. Or get laughed out of a biology lecture.

And yes, I do enjoy extra-terrestrial ecology.

(Join me next week for the lecture: "Do Balrogs Have Wings"*)

*Not a real offer for a real lecture. Nevertheless, if the topic interests you, the internet is full of essays written by people arguing the opposing points.


Blogger Jean said...

Oh, sure. Next time YOU can sit in the seat next to the pit. Just wait and SEE what comes up and licks your shoes. I bet you won't be hanging around to see if it's a bantha or a rancor.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

From what I've seen, the rancors are particularly fond of ladies in high heels.

8:13 AM  

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