
At 17, it seems like my entire life revolves around me. It's nice to know that I have my priorities straightened out. Oh, yeah, and there's two parents and two siblings in there too.

Monday, October 30, 2006

And This is my Visual Aid...

So, to start with, I'm taking Communication Applications this trimester (and at the end of this week, it will finally be over with).

This is also not an AP class (because there isn't one), but more what I refer to as "The Dum-dum class" where you get people who really either don't care about their work or couldn't handle it if they did care.

It's also required to graduate.

So, as a final speech, we've had to select a topic from a pre-decided list and prepare a 4 to 6 minute speech (the thing we were supposed to be learning here was endurance). My topic was Benjamin Franklin, so I made a powerpoint presentation of pictures to go along with it (since we had to have a visual aid). It was nice.

But that's not the point.

The point is all the other people, who get up in front of the class and start talking about their subject.

And almost all of them ended with the same line...

"And this is my visual aid."

[sarcasm] Really. I couldn't tell. Is that why I can visually see that it is a graph? Thanks for telling me... I never would have got it otherwise. [/sarcasm]

Those would be some of the most boring presentations I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. These people clearly learned nothing through the class about imbedding their visual aids inside the presentations. But no, they all ended with,

"And this is my visual aid."


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